Kateka Family James and Adolphine on Kahabuka’s graduation at Hull University, England with LLB (Hons) in July 2004 At the wedding of Kahabuka and Tamala on Saturday 28 December 2019 at Azania Lutheran Cathedral in Dar es Salaam. Bishop Alex Malasusa (extreme left) presided over the marriage service with the assistance of Pastor Charles Mzinga (in vestment at right). Bishop Anastasi is behind Bishop Malasusa. In the picture are former President Benjamin William Mkapa and Madam Anna Mkapa, former Prime Minister Joseph Sinde Warioba and Madam Evelyn Warioba. The bride’s father Baraka Maerere (in a blue suit) is behind the bridal couple while the mother Illuminata Maerere is next to Bishop Malasusa. The grooms parents James (in the forefront) and Adolphine Kateka (on James’ right)